Saturday, September 04, 2010

Dear Dairies x 4 Sept 2010 ◕‿◕

Dear dairy/blog,
recently, I’ve been trying to clean up my room, slowly
coz… it was seriously too horrible d, haa~ >///<
wondering how can I sleep in that horrible room for quite some time, hehe :P
well, was thinking that, I’ll be leaving here sooner or later, probably
so not to let my parents worried, first I need to clean up my horribly messy room
and well, thank god its almost there, hee~ :)
was thinking of after cleaning it up, will go back to Chin Woo see whether they need a lifeguard or not
but now…. Kind of lazy d actually… hehe :P
yea, I’m kind of useless, no doubt
lazy to get a part time job
although I wanted to owned things that I desire by myself but not by using my parent’s money
but now, am just totally unmotivated
and I don’t know why
damn it!
so, recently, my life is all about facebook + mahjong, drama + anime, gym + swimming + spa (damn syok after this part XD), eat + sleep, and oh ya, these few days had read 3 books, hooray for me, coz its so rare XD
that’s it, so lifeless right~ hee~ XD
can go nowhere, coz I have no money d…. Officially broke
see, so broke d also don’t wan go for a part time job… what a piece of shit
even though I wanted to go for movie shopping free diving course and courses until instructor (maybe?) fees for Taiwan (maybe too?)
grhhh…. What so ever…. Just enjoy it first while still can laa…
Hakuna Matata ppl! Aiiiii~!! XD